Francisco Rowe [@fcorowe
]1*, Nikos Patias[@pat_nikos
1 Geographic Data Science Lab, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
</sup> *Corresponding author:
This repository contains the code and data to replicate the map below displaying the main migration flows between regions in 38 European countries. The map below displays the largest internal migration flows in each country by mapping flows greater than 1,000, or top 5% flows in countries where the largest flow is smaller than 1,000. Expand, and interact with, the map by cliking on the image.
If you would like to replicate this map, here is the code:
If you use the interative map and/or code, you can give appropriate attribution by using the following citation:
author = {Francisco Rowe and
Nikos Patias},
title = {Interactive Map: Internal Migration Flows in Europe},
year = 2020,
url = {\url{}},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3910381},
If you want to know more about the key patterns identified in the map, refer to:
author = {Francisco Rowe and
Nikos Patias},
title = {Mapping The Spatial Patterns of Internal Migration in Europe},
journal = {Regional Science, Regional Studies},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.1080/21681376.2020.1811139},
author = {Francisco Rowe, and
Martin Bell and
Aude Bernard and
Elin Charles-Edwards and
Philipp Ueffing},
title = {Impact of Internal Migration on Population Redistribution in Europe: Urbanisation, Counterurbanisation or Spatial Equilibrium?},
journal = {Comparative Population Studies},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.12765/CPoS-2019-18en},
Rowe, F., Bell, M., Bernard, A., Charles-Edwards, E. and Ueffing, P., 2019. Impact of Internal Migration on Population Redistribution in Europe: Urbanisation, Counterurbanisation or Spatial Equilibrium?. Comparative Population Studies, 44.