Sentiment analysis: Appendix

Francisco Rowe (@fcorowe)



This notebook contains the code to obtain sentiment analysis scores for a sample of tweets relating to public opinion on migration originated from the United Kingdom during January 1st to December 31st 2019.


df <- read_csv("./data/uk_geo_tweets_01012019_31012019.csv")
## Rows: 3919 Columns: 38
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (20): place_id, place_name, full_place_name, bbox, place_type, country_...
## dbl  (15): tweet_id, author_id, lat, long, retweet_count, reply_count, like_...
## lgl   (2): exact_coords, possibly_sensitive
## dttm  (1): created_at
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## # A tibble: 6 × 38
##   tweet_id created_at           author_id place_id    place_name full_place_name
##      <dbl> <dttm>                   <dbl> <chr>       <chr>      <chr>          
## 1  1.08e18 2019-01-01 23:57:21  246459126 544762ebf7… Islington  Islington, Lon…
## 2  1.08e18 2019-01-01 23:24:20 1934557914 40b868fc3f… Haslingden Haslingden, En…
## 3  1.08e18 2019-01-01 23:03:35  460397753 0af014accd… Scotland   Scotland, Unit…
## 4  1.08e18 2019-01-01 23:02:35   20471144 44225138ca… Loughboro… Loughborough, …
## 5  1.08e18 2019-01-01 22:34:35 1024602584 00a55bd976… West End   West End, Engl…
## 6  1.08e18 2019-01-01 22:19:47 2951504181 03a5820911… Southend-… Southend-on-Se…
## # … with 32 more variables: lat <dbl>, long <dbl>, exact_coords <lgl>,
## #   bbox <chr>, place_type <chr>, country_code <chr>, country <chr>,
## #   lang <chr>, retweet_count <dbl>, reply_count <dbl>, like_count <dbl>,
## #   quote_count <dbl>, text <chr>, username <chr>, user_name <chr>,
## #   followers_count <dbl>, following_count <dbl>, tweet_count <dbl>,
## #   listed_count <dbl>, user_url <chr>, user_loc <chr>, user_desc <chr>,
## #   source <chr>, conversation_id <dbl>, reply_settings <chr>, …

Compute sentiment scores

vader_sentiment <- vader_df(df$text)


final_df <- cbind(df$tweet_id, df$created_at, df$place_name, df$full_place_name, df$lat, df$long, df$exact_coords, df$place_type, df$country_code, df$username, vader_sentiment) %>% 
    tweet_id = "df$tweet_id",
    created_at = "df$created_at", 
    place_name = "df$place_name", 
    full_place_name = "df$full_place_name", 
    lat = "df$long",
    long = "df$lat",
    exact_coords = "df$exact_coords",
    place_type = "df$place_type", 
    country_code = "df$country_code", 
    username = "df$username"


write_csv(final_df, "./data/uk-sentiment-data.csv")